What's Wrong with Milk?

A vegan diet isn't a bad diet, but I just don't like it. Why? It's just too stupid to stop eating all animal products. From the last post, you should know that I don't like to eat much meat. But that's meat. The flesh of a once living being. But animal products are different. Stuff like milk, yogurt, butter, and everything made of milk are stuff that are good. They aren't morally wrong.

I am like a vegan; I don't eat eggs, gelatin, and all that stuff. But the one thing I don't like about about it is that you can't drink milk. Instead, you need to drink soy milk or some crap like that. I know, processing milk takes up energy that in turn harms the environment. But does it really make a difference? It can easily be made up for.

A regular vegan diet is only made up of vegetables, fruits, and grains. Oh, and not to mention a crap load of soy products. This kind of diet is a good way to eat, it lets poor fateless animals live, and also helps the environment by not polluting the air with all the manufacturing. But still, it's kind of stupid to not drink milk. I mean, cows themselves drink milk. So would that be called cannibalism? No, so how come we can't drink cow milk? It's not cool. Drinking milk is not morally wrong, though the treatment of cows for that milk might be. But usually cows are alright with it.

Cows like to get milked. Milk is something that is there to be gotten rid of. It's there to feed calves and living people. If heart transplants aren't cannibalism, then drinking milk shouldn't be either.

True, there are some some health risks, but, not many people get all the diseases and conditions from drinking it. No one drinks milk to an excess to cause cancer. Though some hormones in milk can promote types of cancer, there are many more benefits than disadvantages from drinking milk.


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