My Site

If y'all haven't checked it out it, here's the link to my website:
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Waffles vs. Pancakes

Every morning, I wake up, start walking around my house for some energy, and have breakfast. I don't have anything good, just some healthy raisin bran and milk. Occasionally a peanut butter jelly sandwich. Not much with waffles or pancakes.

But that doesn't mean I don't like waffles or pancakes. I love them. Whenever I get the chance to eat them for breakfast, I do. To tell you the truth, there really isn't much of a difference between them. You can use pancake mix to make waffles, so what's the deal with the pancake vs. waffle debate?

Well, apparently there is a lot of stuff at stake because this debate has gone on for years by this point.

Pancakes are no doubt good. But all it is flour mixed with milk, sugar and possibly eggs fried on a smooth frying pan.

But waffles are also good. Though not fluffy like the inside of a pancake, it's squarishness inside of a circle have perplexed man for a long time.

What's better? I like both, but it's hard to chose for me. Tell me your opinion of this by commenting.
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New Article on Triond

Hey people, I just got a new article published on Triond. It's called, "What do people like to read About?" . Click on the link to read it. Here is a small excerpt from it:


I know many people that want to get published online. Yet they can’t. No matter how much they try, they can’t get their article online. And even if they do, no one reads their stuff.



Read the article to find out.
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The one thing I hate about hubpages

If you keep up with all my articles on Triond, you can see that I am a good published author. I've got some fans, friends, and some articles. It's all pretty well, that is, if you don't count the amount of money I make.

But there is one website I hate more than anything that pays you to write. On Triond, it took me a month to make two dollars and ninety six cents, but on HubPages, I haven't even come close to making that much. From two AdSense Clicks, all I have made is seventy cents. True, it's a better rate than Triond, but that is still pathetic. I got like three hundred ad clicks on Triond, but only two clicks on HubPages.

Every day, I log on to my AdSense account hoping that I made a dollar or two from AdSense clicks. Do I usually see that, though? No. All I see is the discouraging $0.00 on the top of my screen. Disgusting.
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Just recently I started to write for hubpages. So far, it has not gotten me much money, but the hubs themselves are getting some small traffic. My hubs are listed below:

The reason it is hard to lose weight

Six Things You Probably Don't Know about your brain
The Six worst leaders in history
The French Don't have Heart Disease?
Coffee Helps You Lose Weight?
Acai Berry for Dummies

I will write more hubs soon.
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Triond Articles Written by Yours Truly

Triond is one of my favorite article writing websites. I have written quite a few articles for that site, and all I have to say for this experience is that writing on Triond was a fun experience. Unlike writing for school, I actually got to portray my emotions, not just write essays. True, I make only a few dollars a month, but that's all I really need.

Here is a list of some of the articles I've written for Triond:

Why You Shouldn't do something stupid that could ruin your life

Weight Loss is supposed to be hard, Right?

Triond vs. Associated Content

One Thing Triond Beginners should never attempt to write about

The "Immortality" Herb
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My First Month on Triond

After about a month on Triond, a popular publishing site, this is what I had to say about it:

"Triond is an awesome site. They pay you fifty percent of the revenue from any PPC ads that viewers might have clicked.

It's just like a blog on blogger, but there is much more traffic to their sites. You can't expect to make a lot of money, for example, after the first week writing on Triond, I made eight cents. This revenue gets bigger as you write more. The more exposure your articles get, the more people will read your articles, and more people will click on the ads.

I wrote about ten or thirteen articles about random topics ranging from health, to bigfoot, to writing in general. I didn't make much from all that. In three weeks, I made fourty two cents.

But then I wrote something about what to write and what not to write about on Triond.It was called "Five things you should avoid writing about" It made it to the hot content list. It was so popular, that experienced Triond writers absolutely hated that article, and me with it. But some people actually liked it. The article was a kind of bust, though. I didn't know what was extremely popular in society and what was not. So I put down some advice about what to write about. I was just typing down some advice about what stuff you should write about. It was only what I could think about out of the top of my head. Nothing more. I just started writing. Little did I know that it would make the hot content list, or that people would hate it.

That one article got me over sixty cents almost singlehandedly. It was amazing, but I don't suggest you do the same. Write these kinds of advice articles only after you have been writing for at least a year. Because if you do, the expert writers are going to do all they can to degrade your work. That article got bad comments like:

'Gravedig. I hate that I read this.'

'You seem to have broken your own rules! You have written about something you don’t know about. 1 month is not long enough to learn all about what works on Triond. As any successful Trionder and they will tell you that there are no certainties and there sre no fortunes to be made. It’s all hard work.. As for Bigfoot and Cell structures, believe it, or not, a good writer can make that interesting and get traffic to it.'

'I like Bigfoot. This article is something you should not write about if you have only been on Triond for one month. How can you know enough to tell everyone what not to do?'

These are some of the harsher comments. And one thing about the second comment. I never said that I was an expert, nor did I tell anyone what to do. I was just giving some advice on how you can get a good article. So what if I have been on Triond for only one month, I have experience writing. I have felt how it is to write about the five things that I have said not to write about. It's not fun at all. And about bigfoot and the atomic structure of acai berry, I was just giving examples of what I wasn't comfortable writing about. Bigfoot can be made into a good article, I admit, but chemistry is something that is meant to be dull and boring. Only another Charles Dickens, or Harper Lee can make that into a great Pulitzer prize article.

I got some good comments ,too, from begginner Triond writers. It was comforting, but the harshness of the other comments hurt. So after a month on Triond, what I have learned is to not write about Triond. At least until a year or two of experience. And I will never do it again."

This is all I had to say about Triond. It's good, but you might have to hear harsh criticism if you write about writing on Triond within your first month.

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