Blogger vs. WordPress

I have been blogging for the first time this during this summer. I found nothing else besides writing random articles and posting them to this blog as a good niche. It was the only thing that I had some experience in, so I thought, "Why not?" and started my blog.

It has been about two months since I started it. I didn't know how to blog the right way at first, so I messed up repeatedly. Instead of putting the good content I wrote on my blog, I posted them on all the sites that payed me to write. Did I make any good money? No. But you can. If you don't follow my same mistakes.

But if you already messed up miserably, my advice to you is to just start over.

You have two choices for this. Either start up another blogger blog, or go to a different service. One of the other sites I rank really high is WordPress. WordPress is one of the best platforms for blogging. Compared to blogger, it is much more customizable, and has a sleeker interface than Blogger.

I tried to create a blog on WordPress, but because I don't ever plan anything out, I failed miserably. That's what I hate about it. You have to plan a blog before posting. On Blogger, you can post anything you want, but you can fix it. I really like WordPress, but you have to plan everything out beforehand. Your blog can't be like mine. In order to be successful from WordPress, you have to remember to plan what your blog is supposed to be about, plan some posts ahead, and NEVER give your content away to paid submission sites. Only give like one article a day to other sites. Make three posts ONLY for your blog.

For more information about what to do when you start a blog, go to It shows you step by step what to do when setting a WordPress blog.


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