The one thing I hate about hubpages

If you keep up with all my articles on Triond, you can see that I am a good published author. I've got some fans, friends, and some articles. It's all pretty well, that is, if you don't count the amount of money I make.

But there is one website I hate more than anything that pays you to write. On Triond, it took me a month to make two dollars and ninety six cents, but on HubPages, I haven't even come close to making that much. From two AdSense Clicks, all I have made is seventy cents. True, it's a better rate than Triond, but that is still pathetic. I got like three hundred ad clicks on Triond, but only two clicks on HubPages.

Every day, I log on to my AdSense account hoping that I made a dollar or two from AdSense clicks. Do I usually see that, though? No. All I see is the discouraging $0.00 on the top of my screen. Disgusting.


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